by Sophie Hallworth | Feb 19, 2024 | Work & study, Get prepared
Student loans Student loans can help you with university or college tuition fees and living costs. You are charged interest from when you take out the loan. This is a charge for the cost of borrowing. After your degree, you start repaying the loan once you earn over a...
by Sophie Hallworth | Sep 4, 2023 | Homepage, Financial education, Money basics
Home 5 Category: Homepage How can I avoid online fraud and scams? Curriculum for Life editorial team It’s unfortunately really easy to get scammed. Find out how you can reduce the risk of it happening to you with these simple steps. What is an online scam?...
by Sophie Hallworth | Dec 15, 2023 | Financial education, Money basics
What is borrowing money? Money that you have borrowed is called debt! This means you owe it to someone – often a bank or other financial company. When you borrow money, you are usually charged interest. This is a charge for the cost of borrowing, on top of the...
by Sophie Hallworth | Oct 13, 2023 | Climate change & the environment, Make a difference
Home 5 Climate change & the environment 5 Category: Make a difference Save carbon through walking, cycling and Bee Network The Bee Network Get moving and get greener. You have the power to save carbon (and get healthier, too) When thinking about climate...
by Sophie Hallworth | Feb 27, 2024 | Work & study, Get prepared
When should I start thinking about my future career? It’s never too early to start thinking about your future career! Throughout our time at school and college, we are encouraged to learn a variety of different subjects and skills – everyone has their own interests...