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How can I avoid online fraud and scams?

Curriculum for Life editorial team
Curriculum for Life editorial team
It’s unfortunately really easy to get scammed. Find out how you can reduce the risk of it happening to you with these simple steps.
Decorative image of a computer screen with the word security written on it
Decorative image of a computer screen with the word security written on it

What is an online scam?

 An online or cyber scam is a type of fraud where people use the internet or technology to trick others out of their money. Cybercrime is any crime involving computers and networks.

Common types of scam include:

    • Phishing (pronounced ‘fishing’) texts or emails. This is where scammers contact you pretending to be someone else such as your bank, PayPal or a delivery company
    • Copycat official websites – scammers set up fake sites to take your money for anything from concert tickets or online shopping, to official services such as getting a passport or driving licence
    • Identity theft is when scammers steal your personal details. Identity fraud is when scammers use your details to commit fraud


How to spot and avoid scams

As the saying goes, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

Be on your guard when dealing with unexpected calls, texts and emails. Just because someone says they are calling from your bank, doesn’t mean they are.

    • Check your bank account regularly – if you spot a transaction that you’re not sure about, contact your bank
    • Never share your PIN number – your bank will never ask you to do this
    • Don’t click on links in emails or texts – instead type the web address into your browser to make sure you’re going to the correct site
    • If you’re not sure a caller is who they say they are, call back on a trusted number
    • Check you’re on an official website before giving your personal details or making payments. Get a second opinion if you’re not sure
    • Watch what you share about yourself on social media, dating sites and if you’re online gaming – scammers can use this information to pretend to be you
    • Use safe and secure WIFI connections
    • Use strong passwords. Don’t use the same password for different accounts. Change your passwords regularly and keep them secure. Google has advice on how to create strong passwords and keep them secure.

Criminals often try and pressure you, so take your time before you say or do anything.

Hollie Bowker, Greater Manchester Police Cyber Prevent Officer

“A long and strong password is the best defence against cyber criminals – using three random words to create your password will help to keep them out”.

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Help! What do to if you think you’ve been scammed

If you think you’ve been scammed let your bank know as soon as possible.

See Citizens Advice for information on dealing with banking and security fraud and getting your money back.

Victims Support provides free confidential help to anyone affected by crime.

Help! What do to if you think you’ve been scammed

If you think you’ve been scammed let your bank know as soon as possible.

See Citizens Advice for information on dealing with banking and security fraud and getting your money back.

Victims Support provides free confidential help to anyone affected by crime.

Decorative image of the stock exchange

Find out more

The Take Five campaign has some great tips on how to protect yourself from fraud.

Get Safe Online is packed with tips on internet safety, including shopping, gaming and dating.

You can check firms or people you’re dealing with for your finances on the Financial Conduct Authority register.

Check out GMP for further information on online fraud and cybercrime.


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