Home 5 Politics, citizenship & rights 5 Resources to support and address unrest, disinformation and violence

Resources to support and address unrest, disinformation and violence

Curriculum for Life editorial team
Curriculum for Life editorial team
This is a list of links to resources to help us all support young people and our communities following civil unrest, discrimination and violence. It has been sourced from a network of youth organisations across the UK.
a group of young people holding signs with protests on
a group of young people holding signs with protests on

Support for young people

Resources- Winston’s Wish Resources to help support bereaved children.

Young and Black Campaign- UKYouth LA campaign and resource pack aimed at amplifying young and black voices, celebrating and showcasing the achievements of young black people and enabling young and black people to be heard through the creation of safe spaces.

Shout Out UK free resource hub A range of media and political literacy videos aimed at young people covering topics like mis/ disinformation, how to avoid being manipulated, and human rights.

Shout Out UK: Don’t get manipulated by the far right A video from the abovementioned hub that deals specifically with far right manipulation tactics.

Support for those supporting young people

 Be Internet Citizens – UK Youth- Curriculum Guide  A curriculum guide for youth workers that explores digital literacy, including mis/ disinformation, stereotyping, online conflict, conscious and unconscious bias, among other themes.

Be Internet Citizens- YouTube and the Institute for Strategic Dialogue Video Resources aimed at teachers, addressing media literacy, critical thinking digital citizenship.

Talking with young people about a major emergency- British Red Cross (11-19) A session plan to talk young people (11-19) about major emergencies.

How can I support my child after a traumatic event? – Place2Be Advice for parents supporting children after traumatic events.

Resources- Beacon House A resource hub covering themes that include developmental trauma, war and conflict. This page also includes links to a range of support services.

Resources- UK Trauma Council A resource hub covering themes that include childhood trauma, war, migration, asylum, traumatic bereavement, and responding to critical incidents.

Resources – Young Minds Links to resources for professional supporting young people with mental health issues. Filters can be adjusted to access resources for young people and parents as well.

Online Harms Training- The Social Switch Project Links to sign up to the free virtual training for parents/ carers and professionals supporting children and young people dealing with both harmful online behaviour and the real-life violence which can escalate as a result.

Guidance for those working with young people following a traumatic community event- NYA Guidance for youth workers and young people following traumatic community events.

Physical Security in Youth Work Settings- NYA Safeguarding Hub Resources providing guidance around how to offer psychosocial support in the event of everyday and major emergencies. Specific section for professionals towards the bottom of the page.


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