Home 5 Confidence in relationships 5 Love Is Love: Let’s Get Straight (and Not-So-Straight) to the Point!

Love Is Love: Let’s Get Straight (and Not-So-Straight) to the Point!

Bella Gagan
Bella Gagan
The LGBTQ+ community encompasses a wide range of identities and experiences. This article explores what it means to be part of the LGBTQ+ community, the challenges faced by its members, the rights currently in place, and resources for those seeking more information.
scrabble tiles on a rainbow table that spell out "LGBTQ"
scrabble tiles on a rainbow table that spell out "LGBTQ"

What does it mean to be LGBTQ+?

Being part of the LGBTQ+ community can mean a lot of things. For starters, if you find yourself attracted to the same gender, you might initially feel scared or think something is wrong with you – but it’s not. Feeling attracted to the same gender simply means you are part of the LGBTQ+ community. Even if you are attracted to more than one gender, that still makes you a part of it.

Everyone is different in their own way. Some people may love boys, others girls, and some may be attracted to both -or neither. There are many different sexualities in the world, so don’t worry if you’ve thought there was only one. That’s exactly what this article is here to explain!

Coming out can feel scary because some people might treat you differently or act awkwardly around you. They might think of you as “different” in a negative way. Some people might even look at you with judgment or hate, while others will accept and love you just the way you are. At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter who you are or who you love – everyone is unique in their own beautiful way.

What does it mean to be LGBTQ+?

Being part of the LGBTQ+ community can mean a lot of things. For starters, if you find yourself attracted to the same gender, you might initially feel scared or think something is wrong with you – but it’s not. Feeling attracted to the same gender simply means you are part of the LGBTQ+ community. Even if you are attracted to more than one gender, that still makes you a part of it.

Everyone is different in their own way. Some people may love boys, others girls, and some may be attracted to both -or neither. There are many different sexualities in the world, so don’t worry if you’ve thought there was only one. That’s exactly what this article is here to explain!

Coming out can feel scary because some people might treat you differently or act awkwardly around you. They might think of you as “different” in a negative way. Some people might even look at you with judgment or hate, while others will accept and love you just the way you are. At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter who you are or who you love – everyone is unique in their own beautiful way.

a rainbow coloured heart on a canvas that's been painted on with different colours
Daniel Radcliffe
Daniel Radcliffe

“You don’t have to be gay to be a supporter – you just have to be a human”

What does it mean to be Trans?

Being trans means that the gender you were assigned at birth doesn’t align with who you truly are. It’s almost like picking up a coloured pen with the wrong lid, only to find out you have been colouring in with the wrong colour for your entire life! For example, you might have been born female, but over time, you realize that being a boy feels more authentic to you. That is perfectly okay. Being trans is simply about living as the person you truly are.

Coming out as trans can be difficult because you might fear how people will react to your new name or pronouns. You might worry about being “deadnamed” (when someone calls you by your birth name instead of your chosen name) or being misgendered. Some people might make these mistakes accidentally, while others might do so intentionally.

It can also be hard because some people might treat you differently than you’d like to be treated. However, being true to yourself is incredibly important, and there are people who will support and affirm you.

an image of the transgender flag

What does it mean to be Trans?

Being trans means that the gender you were assigned at birth doesn’t align with who you truly are. It’s almost like picking up a coloured pen with the wrong lid, only to find out you have been colouring in with the wrong colour for your entire life! For example, you might have been born female, but over time, you realize that being a boy feels more authentic to you. That is perfectly okay. Being trans is simply about living as the person you truly are.

Coming out as trans can be difficult because you might fear how people will react to your new name or pronouns. You might worry about being “deadnamed” (when someone calls you by your birth name instead of your chosen name) or being misgendered. Some people might make these mistakes accidentally, while others might do so intentionally.

It can also be hard because some people might treat you differently than you’d like to be treated. However, being true to yourself is incredibly important, and there are people who will support and affirm you.

an image of the transgender flag

What rights are in place for LGBTQ+ people?

There are several rights in place to protect LGBTQ+ individuals. One of the most important is the right to inclusion. LGBTQ+ people deserve to be included in activities, events, and spaces just like anyone else, regardless of their sexuality or gender identity. Excluding someone for being LGBTQ+ is unfair and hurtful – after all, they are people with feelings, just like everyone else.


Another vital right is protection from conversion therapy. LGBTQ+ individuals cannot be subjected to harmful practices intended to change their sexual orientation or gender identity. Transgender and queer people are entitled to live peaceful lives, free from discrimination, and enjoy the same rights as everyone else. These include the freedom of expression and the freedom to associate with whomever they choose.

What rights are in place for LGBTQ+ people?

There are several rights in place to protect LGBTQ+ individuals. One of the most important is the right to inclusion. LGBTQ+ people deserve to be included in activities, events, and spaces just like anyone else, regardless of their sexuality or gender identity. Excluding someone for being LGBTQ+ is unfair and hurtful – after all, they are people with feelings, just like everyone else.


Another vital right is protection from conversion therapy. LGBTQ+ individuals cannot be subjected to harmful practices intended to change their sexual orientation or gender identity. Transgender and queer people are entitled to live peaceful lives, free from discrimination, and enjoy the same rights as everyone else. These include the freedom of expression and the freedom to associate with whomever they choose.

Find out more:

If you want to learn more about the LGBTQ+ community, there are several resources you can explore. You can talk to a trusted teacher or staff member for guidance. You can also read books like Felix Ever After or Heartstopper. Websites like LGBTQ Reads provide recommendations for LGBTQ+ books you might enjoy.

There are also many LGBTQ+ films you can watch to learn more about the community. Some examples include Just Friends, Moonlight, and Pride.

Find out more:

If you want to learn more about the LGBTQ+ community, there are several resources you can explore. You can talk to a trusted teacher or staff member for guidance. You can also read books like Felix Ever After or Heartstopper. Websites like LGBTQ Reads provide recommendations for LGBTQ+ books you might enjoy.

There are also many LGBTQ+ films you can watch to learn more about the community. Some examples include Just Friends, Moonlight, and Pride.

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The core principle of Curriculum for Life is to respond to the request from young people that they are better connected to information and support that will help them navigate a range of issues as they navigate their path into adult life. In line with our quality assurance process, this article has been co-created with young people as well as assured by experts in the field, as well as other relevant stakeholders to ensure this information is appropriate and up to date.  
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